How Much Does Ducted Gas Heating System Cost to Run?
Winter and Electricity bills
We are specialised in Ducted Gas Heating System, we provide service and installation in North Shore and Northern Beaches. And, it is our desire that you get the best performance of the system.
When the winter comes, do you get concerned with your electricity bills?
But, of course, you and your family want to spend the winter warm, comfortable and saving money!
So, does any doubt on what to choose to warm your home appear?
There are several options in the market and each of them has advantages and disadvantages.
Here we will help you to clarify your doubts about gas heating system.
What is a Ducted Gas heating System?
It is a system projected to warm your whole home or only part of it. It can be assembled either on the ceiling or in the attic.
It is compound by a central heating unit, pipes and outlets. Know more here.
The figure below illustrates the installation.

What is the ideal temperature?
You must have entered any environment, for instance, a friend’s place, and felt the place too warm and started sweating. You may have thought, “It seems to me that I am in the hell”. Or else, you felt a bit of cold.
This happens because we have different sensibilities when exposed to temperatures. Some people feel comfortable, while other people may feel cold or hot.
So you decide to program the temperature and the complaints arise.
In portable devices, setting the temperature is an even greater challenge, because as the closer you are to the device, the hotter you feel and as you move away from it. You notice the difference in temperature on a very cold day.
So which temperature is ideal so that everyone in your family feels enough warm?
To solve this matter, the models of Ducted Gas Heating have the versatility of allowing you to set different temperatures in different rooms.
This gives you the flexibility of having your child’s room, for instance, warmer than yours. Your child will no longer wake up in the middle of the night feeling cold even if he gets uncovered while asleep.
Furthermore, you can leave switched off the areas not being used. For example, the kitchen and the living room in case you are sleeping in your bedroom at night. This provides a substantial economy in your electricity bill at the end of the month.
Gas x Electricity
The advantage of installing a ducted gas heating system is that it brings you substantial economy if compared to air conditioning systems and even more substantial when compared to portable devices.
Firstly to be considered, the amount paid for gas is considerably lower than the amount paid for the electricity.
Secondly, turning the electricity into heat consumes a lot of energy; differently in the case of natural gas.
Companies which supply the Ducted Gas heating system hold studies that testify the economy between these two systems.
According to these studies, the reduction of expenses with energy may reach up to around thirty percent comparing the two systems.
Besides, as the gas is distributed by pipes buried in the ground, this avoids the interruption of the supply, even in case the energy drops during storms.
Protecting the nature
When you choose a natural gas heating system, you contribute for diminishing the issuance of carbon without sacrificing the comfort of your family and yours. So that you help protect the environment.
Ask for a free quote here.